Calf Start
Calf Start is a valuable source of complex carbon to support rumen microbe development and stability.
It also features Garlic, Slippery Elm and Cayenne to help soothe and coat the intestinal lining and support the immune system.
Calf Start gives calves the best start in life! Used in the milk for the first 3-4 weeks of life for friskier calves.
Calf Start is put in the milk at the rate of 15ml per calf per day. The cost per calf for 3 1/2 weeks, if purchasing the 20L container, is $27.50 per calf.
Farmers who use Calf Start swear by it as reducing/preventing scours and kick-starting early weight gain. The cayenne and garlic tinctures help to keep gut pathogens in check and they also boost the immune system. The humic liquid is a potent detoxifier and helps minerals and vitamins get into cells for better metabolism and weight gain.